Thursday, September 27, 2007


There was a good chance it would rain that night, so we rigged up this giant tarp. Luckily, it was big enough to cover our tent and our table. We could sit under it and still put our feet up to the fire. It was perfect.

While Chelsea and I are dead asleep, we hear what sounds like an animal dragging one of our coolers. Of course, we were sure it was a bear... or an escaped convict... or a gang of pygmies. But no... we woke up and found these muddy little paw prints. It was actually just a little raccoon, trying to steal a Tecate.

This is Milton's girlfriend, Mildred. She likes carrots, too.

This is Buddy, the camp hound.

Just an obligatory California coastline photo. We ate lunch on the bluffs over Mendocino. And that is Maynard, our seagull amigo.

This is a view of the drive on Hwy 128, from the 101 to the 1. It is a beautiful drive from open flat farmlands to mountains to thick green forests.

I saw this crazy old barn and made a u-turn to get a photo. As I did, the back woods Deliverance-style father and sons that lived next door came out and gave me a stare that let me know I wasn't welcome. So I sped away... praying that a pickup truck full of hicks wasn't gonna follow me.

Along the way, I found 3 roadside memorials. Over the past few years, I have become increasingly interested in random memorials and photographing them. I have found them on sidewalks, in warehouses, on roadsides... anywhere and everywhere. There is something incredible about people taking the time to remember a loved one in this way.

A couple of nutty mailboxes - the Pinolis and the hippies.

I saw this "nativity" scene on my last drive back from camping. If you look closely, you will not see a little baby Jesus, nor any wisemen... only a big fish and some tiny flamingos. Then, down the road... I found this crucifix and another group of flamingos. I think this person has a thing for flamingo, and is really confused about Christianity.

I love this sign.

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