Monday, April 07, 2008


I got an email from a good friend of mine, Scott Weigel, about a series of blogs that his company just started. He works for Nolo Press, which publishes a wide range of affordable legal books for the common man.

A few examples:
1) What do George Clooney and Kenneth Lay have in common? (answer)
2) What is the difference between a church and a sports bar? (answer)
3) Is bullying in the workplace illegal? (answer)
4) Can I leave money to my pet in my will? (answer)
5) My man-friend stole my trademark. Is this legal? (answer)

Their mission statement says...
Since 1971, Nolo's goal has been simple: To make America's legal system accessible to everyone. With hundreds of top quality, plain-English legal products, we've helped make that happen. Every year, over 10 million people turn to Nolo to save billions of dollars. Thank you for your support.

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